Aug 20
Hiked 22 miles the Pochuck Mountain shelter. Today was a slow day, been in a weird funk lately. Think it's because of all the rocks. Got to eat some pizza today at a ranger station. Talked to some nobos about what we've done and what's ahead. Was able to make it to the shelter before it rained, a small victory against mother nature. Tomorrow I hike into New York.
August 24, 2012:
ReplyDelete2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
August 24, 2012:
What would the world be, once bereft
Of wet and wildness? Let them be left,
O let them be left, wildness and wet,
Long live the weeds and the wildness yet.
~Gerard Manley Hopkins
August 23, 2012:
1 Peter 4:11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
August 23, 2012:
Nature is man's teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence. ~Alfred Billings Street