Friday, October 5, 2012

The cabin on the mountain

Sept 10, 23.7 miles
Got up early and hiked in the cold. We ate lunch at the Greenwall shelter. It got really cold, was brutal for us. We hiked on a closed section of the AT that was hit by hurricane Irene. Hiked up to Killington peak to a cabin with Flash. It was FREEZING, low 30s for sure. Flash said it was cold so I knew for sure it was. Was glad I had my sleeping bag and liner to keep me warm. Saw 2 skunks on my way up the mountain in the dark. Talked to some sobos in the cabin. Ate a buffalo meat meal with some tortillas and went to bed. Meeting dad tomorrow.

Little Rock Pond Shelter

Sept 9, 20 miles
Checked out of the red sled motel and hitched a ride to the trail head. Got picked up by a really nice Asian lady. She was really nice but she lived up to nearly every Asian stereotype. She talked in a high pitch voice and was a horrible driver. We managed to make it to the trail head in one piece when she gave us cucumbers for the trail she had grown. We made it to a ski lift shelter where we took a break. At night we stopped at a shelter that required money but luckily we didn't have to pay. Cooked dinner in the cold night and went to bed.

Rest day in Manchester Center

0 miles- September 8th
Woke up, showered, packed up and checked out of the motel. Walked towards town and ate lunch at a diner. Was able to get a massive guacamole burger with bacon, was a good day. We were able to hitch a ride to the grocery store by this nice guy, who ended up offering us weed. We resupplied at price chopper (get to the chopper). Went to EMS, a camping store and got some gear. Was able to get a fleece hat, a sleeping bag liner and some fuel. A massive storm was coming so we decided to pull a zero. Ended up buying a bunch of beer, ice cream and snacks. Flash, Luke and I got a taxi back to the red sled hotel for another night. We watched college ball ball and hung out all day. We drank a. lot of beer before going to the steak house again. Was nice to eat as much as I could. Went back to the motel and watched 30 Rock on TV (why did you let me watch that, I was watching him mouth).

September 7th

21.1 miles
I left last with Spook in the morning. Stopped at Stratton pond shelter for lunch & water. Was a long day, but we managed to get to Manchester Center right before dark. Was cruising at a 3.5-4mph pace over moderate terrain listening to some dubstep/techno. Songbird managed to get a ride for us in 30 seconds, having a girl sure does help. The pickup driver took us to a steak place. Flash and I each ate 2 dinners. Was finally able to get me a porter beer, been craving one for weeks. The bartender gave us a free round of brew, which as welcomed. We walked to the red sled hotel. Luke and Flash went to town to gather supplies. I got cleaned up and then passed out.

September 6th

23.3 miles
Songbird left early in the morning while us guys ate and got packed up. A section hiker threw away two, 2 gallon bags with of food into a fire right in front of us. That single act ruined my whole day. Took a break near a bridge and found some trail magic in the form of some Pepsi. Purified some water and skipped some stones at the river. Stayed at the stormy spring shelter where a rain storm hit us. Met two section hikers, moon walker and last horra.

And now the catch up- September 5th

20.4 miles
We left the emergency shelter and hiked to North Adams to resupply. The guys went to friendly's to eat some burgers while songbird went ahead to avoid night hiking. We crossed into Vermont and talked to 8 southbounders. We stayed at the Conydon Shelter area. The rolled into the area at 10pm. The shelter was full of section hikers, did not make me happy one bit. Set up my tent, ate some chili on tortillas and went to bed.

Monday, September 24, 2012